Excel VBA - very slow, and weird behaviour - Something else running? -

ok - excel vba -

is running slow, , weird behaviour - else running?

  • the text i'm typing gets "rearranged" automatically (ie. first letter type @ end of sudden)
  • the text of current line i'm on turns red
  • in middle of typing something, window pop "syntax error" before i'm done typing.

i have turned off addins (i have tm1 - pain in rear end)

i have optimised code using, , have been coding long time , there nothing should taking long...


    sub createcopy3()      dim x long      dim sumfilterno long      dim m long      dim delme long      dim ncount long      dim lrowc_dow      dim newsh string      dim mp long      dim shdow      dim shdata string      dim shcons string      dim shxx string      dim shdowxx string      dim sfilter string      dim sfiltercol string      dim sfiltercolnumber long      dim shname string      dim sfilterby string      dim lrowc long      dim lrowc_sum long      dim lrowc_new long      dim nicename string      dim l long      dim rptfilteredby string      dim llastrow long, llastcolumn long      dim lreallastrow long, lreallastcolumn long      dim arragent() string      dim j long                        application.screenupdating = false      shdowxx = "dow xx"      shxx = "zz"      shdata = "data"      shcons = "consolidated"      sheets("summary").select      sfilter = range("b2").value      sfilterby = range("b3").value      lrowc = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count - 11                        select case sfilter          case "agent_code"              shname = "agent"              sfiltercol = "j"              sumfilterno = 1              nicename = "agent code"              sfiltercolnumber = 1          case "account_manager"              sfiltercol = "f"              shname = "am"              sumfilterno = 5              nicename = "account manager"              sfiltercolnumber = 30          case "regional_sales_manager"              sfiltercol = "g"              sumfilterno = 6              shname = "sm"              sfiltercolnumber = 31              nicename = "reg. sales manager"          case "customer"              shname = "customer"              sfiltercol = "i"              sumfilterno = 9              nicename = "customer"              sfiltercolnumber = 33          case "region"              shname = "region"              sfiltercol = "c"              sumfilterno = 2              nicename = "region"             sfiltercolnumber = 29          case "top_level_region"              sumfilterno = 1              shname = "top region"              sfiltercol = "b"              nicename = "top level region"             sfiltercolnumber = 28          case else              msgbox "no selection - operation cancelled"              exit sub      end select            rptfilteredby = nicename & " filtered " & range("b3").value      range("b9").value = rptfilteredby      application.displayalerts = false      worksheets(shdata).activate      lrowc = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count                  sheets("summary").select      'range("a13:z" & lrowc).clear      if activesheet.autofiltermode = true      '    range("a3:az3").select          selection.autofilter      end if      range("a13:z" & lrowc).clear            worksheets(shcons).activate            if activesheet.autofiltermode = false          range("a3:az3").select          selection.autofilter      end if      if activesheet.autofiltermode = true          range("a3:az3").select          selection.autofilter      end if      if activesheet.autofiltermode = false          range("a3:az3").select          selection.autofilter      end if                  activesheet.range("$a$3:$az$" & lrowc).autofilter field:=sfiltercolnumber, criteria1:= _           sfilterby, operator:=xland      range("g11").select            range("a3").select      range(selection, selection.end(xldown)).select      selection.copy      sheets("summary").select      range("a12").activate      range("b1").formular1c1 = "=counta(r[12]c[-1]:r[" & lrowc & "]c[-1])"            selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevalues, operation:=xlnone, skipblanks:=false, transpose:=false      application.cutcopymode = false      activesheet.range("$a$13:$a$" & lrowc + 10 & "").removeduplicates columns:=1, header:=xlno      range("b13").select                  '**************** remove errors **********************      if activesheet.autofiltermode = true          range("a12:az12").select          selection.autofilter      end if      application.statusbar = "calculations summary page"      lrowc_sum = range("b1").value + 12      if lrowc_sum < 13 lrowc_sum = 13            range("b13").activate                  range("b13:c" & lrowc & ",e13:m1" & lrowc & "").formular1c1 = _          "=index(consolidated!r3c1:r" & lrowc & "c73,match(rc1,consolidated!c1,0),match(r5c,consolidated!r3c1:r3c53,0))"      '            range("b13:z" & lrowc).value = range("b13:z" & lrowc).value      range("d13:d" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=""vs""&left(rc[-3],4)"          range("d13:d" & lrowc).value = range("d13:d" & lrowc).value                      range("o13:o" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=countif(consolidated!c1,rc1)"          range("q13:q" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=sumif(consolidated!c1,rc1,consolidated!c[-4])"          range("r13:r" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=sumif(consolidated!c1,rc1,consolidated!c[-4])"          range("p13:p" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=sum(rc[1]:rc[2])"          range("s13:s" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=rc[-1]/rc[-4]"          range("t13:t" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=sumif(consolidated!c1,rc1,consolidated!c[-4])"          range("u13:u" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=sumif(consolidated!c1,rc1,consolidated!c[-3])"          range("v13:v" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=rc[-1]/rc[-2]"          range("w13:w" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=sumif(consolidated!c1,rc1,consolidated!c[-6])"          range("x13:x" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=sumif(consolidated!c1,rc1,consolidated!c[-5])"          range("y13:y" & lrowc).formular1c1 = "=rc[-1]/rc[-2]"                range("o10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("p10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("q10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("r10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("s10").formular1c1 = "=sum(rc[-2]/rc[-4])"          range("t10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("u10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("v10").formular1c1 = "=sum(rc[-1]/rc[-2])"          range("w10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("x10").formular1c1 = "=sum(r[3]c:r[" & lrowc_sum & "]c)"          range("y10").formular1c1 = "=sum(rc[-1]/rc[-2])"            range("x13").select            range("b13:da" & lrowc_sum).numberformat = "#,###;[red](#,###)"      range("s13:s" & lrowc_sum).style = "percent"      range("v13:v" & lrowc_sum).style = "percent"      range("y13:y" & lrowc_sum).style = "percent"      range("n13:n" & lrowc_sum).numberformat = "0"      range("k13:k" & lrowc_sum).numberformat = "0"            application.calculation = xlcalculationautomatic      range("b1").formular1c1 = "=counta(r[12]c[1]:r[" & lrowc & "]c[1])"      lrowc = range("b1").value                  range("a12:az12").select            '**************** remove errors **********************      if activesheet.autofiltermode = false          range("a12:az12").select          selection.autofilter      end if                               on error resume next      activesheet.range("$a$12:$az" & lrowc_sum).autofilter field:=2, criteria1:="#n/a"      on error goto 0       application.calculation = xlcalculationmanual      range("a12").select                     activecell.offset(1, 0).select      if activecell.value = "" exit      loop until activecell.entirerow.hidden = false            range(selection, selection.end(xldown)).select      selection.delete shift:=xlup      if activesheet.autofiltermode = true          selection.autofilter      end if      if activesheet.autofiltermode = false          selection.autofilter      end if                  on error resume next      activesheet.range("$a$12:$az$" & lrowc_sum).autofilter field:=13, criteria1:="0"      on error goto 0               activecell.offset(1, 0).select      if activecell.value = "" exit      loop until activecell.entirerow.hidden = false            range("g2").select                  '****************  errors removed **********************      application.statusbar = "formatting...."      range("b1").formular1c1 = "=counta(r[12]c[1]:r[" & lrowc & "]c[1])"      lrowc = range("b1").value      application.statusbar = ""            msgbox "summary reports created " & vbcrlf & nicename & " " & sfilterby      application.screenupdating = false                        end sub

  1. have checked excel workbook code? mean there no update code in workbook not vba modules.

  2. have tried turning off excel recalc , display while code running?

    application.calculation = xlmanual ' later setting automatic, ,  application.screenupdating = false ' code , stop screen flickering application.screenupdating = true 
  3. is rogue excel version open? if restart current instance - errors when excel 32bit has been opened app when working in excel 64bit. @ task manager.

  4. is sheet corrupted? last resort have tried opening new workbook , copying data , code it, , resaving fresh. have used past erratic behaviour big sheets on network.

just trying track down irritating behaviour.


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