c++ - How do I pass an array to function by reference? -

i want pass array function reference. function dynamically allocate elements.

this code give me error message: access violation

#include <iostream> using namespace std;   void func(int* ptr) {     ptr = new int[2];      ptr[0] = 1;      ptr[1] = 2;  }  void main() {      int* arr = 0;     func(arr);     cout << arr[0] << endl; // error here  } 

c++ passes arguments value. if want pass int pointer reference, need tell c++ type "reference pointer int": int*&.

thus, function prototype should

void func(int*& ptr); 

note still not handling pointers or references arrays, rather pointer first element, close not same.

if wanted pass array of size 2 reference, function prototype this:

void func(int(&my_array)[2]); 


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