Change span to font ckeditor color button -

ckeditor add <span></span> tag element after change color editor

i need change tag <font></font>

i review code in ckeditor.js , don't found color

to switch span font add 2 lines on ckeditor config.js file.

  config.colorbutton_backstyle.element = 'font';   config.colorbutton_forestyle.element = 'font'; 

you can can more @ it's manual.

this ckeditor config.js, 2 lines:

ckeditor.editorconfig = function (config) {   config.toolbargroups = [     {name: 'document', groups: ['mode', 'document', 'doctools']},     {name: 'clipboard', groups: ['clipboard', 'undo']},     {name: 'editing', groups: ['find', 'selection', 'spellchecker']},     {name: 'forms'},     {name: 'basicstyles', groups: ['basicstyles', 'cleanup']},     {name: 'paragraph', groups: ['list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'bidi']},     {name: 'align'},     '/',     {name: 'links'},     {name: 'insert'},     {name: 'styles'},     {name: 'colors'},     {name: 'tools'},     {name: 'others'}   ];    config.removebuttons = 'cut,copy,paste,undo,redo,anchor,underline,subscript,superscript';   config.removedialogtabs = 'link:advanced';   config.extraplugins = 'font,justify,keyword,colorbutton,dropoff,colordialog'; = 'heisenberg';   config.language = 'pt-br';   config.disallowedcontent = "img,script,style";   config.colorbutton_enablemore = true;    // change span tag font tag, mental note, plugin must been loaded.   config.colorbutton_backstyle.element = 'font';   config.colorbutton_forestyle.element = 'font'; }; 


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