Java different parameter type needed for identical SOAP Web Service? -

i have web service client 2 identical soap web services called company1service , company2service. both these web services have exact same purchaseorder class.

however, when want call m1processpurchaseorder() method , m2processpurchaseorder() method each web service, require different parameter types po object. yet, purchaseorder class identical both services.

i using netbeans , generated sources (jax-ws).

public boolean m1processpurchaseorder(ab.service.company1.purchaseorder po)  {     ab.service.company1.company1service port = service1.getcomapny1serviceport();     return port.processpurchaseorder(po); }  public boolean m2processpurchaseorder(ab.service.company2.purchaseorder po)  {     ab.service.company2.company2service port = service2.getcomapny2serviceport();     return port.processpurchaseorder(po); } 

what have ab.service.company1.purchaseorder parameter type both company1service , company2service.

here error if try change m2processpurchaseorder() parameter type ab.service.company1.purchaseorder:

method processpurchaseorder in interface company2service cannot applied given types;

required: ab.service.company2.purchaseorder

found: ab.service.company1.purchaseorder

reason: actual argument ab.service.company1.purchaseorder cannot converted ab.service.company2.purchaseorder method invocation conversion

depending on jax-ws implementation using -- there severals: cxf, ri/metro, axis2, jbossws, spring-ws, etc. -- might needing invoke different tools generate artifacts (xsd schemas or wsdl's), i.e. ri's wsimport, or specific jax-ws implementation tools *axis*2's or cxf's wsdl2java, or jbossws' wsprovide.

also, depending on build script/tool have setup project, there might task, goal, or target can utilize automate invocation of these tools. nevertheless, when comes xml-to-java binding, can utilize jaxb binding document(s) manipulate generated java classes including manipulation of (package) generated into. done via jaxb:bindings (jaxb namespace prefix). wsdl artifacts, i.e. service, can place mapping instructions in jaxws:bindings (same here jaxws xml namespace). note these 2 two separate binding (xml) documents can fed 1 of aforementioned tools, i.e. cxf's wsdl2java or wsimport.

for jaxb binding, can create binding document (company1binding.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="" version="2.1">    <jaxb:bindings schemalocation="purchaseorder.xsd">     <jaxb:schemabindings>       <jaxb:package name="ab.service.common" />     </jaxb:schemabindings>   </jaxb:bindings>    <!-- more binding related company1service -->  </jaxb:bindings> 

and jaxb binding company2binding.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="" version="2.1">    <jaxb:bindings schemalocation="purchaseorder.xsd">     <jaxb:schemabindings>       <jaxb:package name="ab.service.common" />     </jaxb:schemabindings>   </jaxb:bindings>    <!-- more binding related company2service -->  </jaxb:bindings> 

this place generated class in ab.service.common package, can reference instances of class in ab.service.company1.* , ab.service.company2.* single class (

note place such binding in both company1's , company2's in case make changes purchaseorder.xsd @ point, , generate binding 1 of services, i.e. company1's. in case, regenerated both, since there 1 generated class (

you can same wsdl artifacts, example comapny1service.wsdl, can create new binding document (company1servicebinding.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <jaxws:bindings xmlns:wsdl=""     version="2.1" xmlns:jaxws=""     wsdllocation="company1service.wsdl">      <jaxws:bindings node="wsdl:definitions">         <jaxws:package             name="ab.service.company1" />     </jaxws:bindings>      <jaxws:bindings         node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:porttype/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault[@name='fault']">         <jaxws:class             name="ab.service.common.serviceexception" />     </jaxws:bindings>  </jaxws:bindings> 

which place service classes (like interface, client proxy, along side, say, soap fault type specified in wsdl operations) in ab.service.company1 package. notice difference between namespaces in each binding document (jaxb:bindings vs. jaxws:bindings). finally, can pass these binding information actual tool, i.e. cxf's wsdl2java (in case, snippet of code ant build file):

<java classname="" fork="true">     <arg value="-d"/>     <arg value="${}"/>     <arg value="-b"/>     <arg value="${}/company1binding.xml"/>     <arg value="-b"/>     <arg value="${}/company1servicebinding.xml"/>     <arg value="${}/company1service.wsdl"/>     <classpath>         <path refid="${jaxws.impl.library.path}"/>     </classpath> </java> 

(note: should have similar target company2service)

as can see, particular tool accepts binding documents (jaxb , jax-ws) via -b flag. matter of fact, binding compiler (xjc) these tools, wsdl2java, call, accept binding documents via -b option (note link takes reference implementation/metor's version of xjc, cxf's , others' should close). matter of fact, have call wsdl2java directly:

/path/to/wsdltojava -d /path/to/where/you/want/to/generate -b /path/to/wsdl/artifacts/companybinding.xml -b /path/to/wsdl/artifacts/company1servicebinding.xml /path/to/wsdl/artifacts/company1service.wsdl 

mapping using jaxb requires getting familiarized bit of details, can read more here jax-ws ri/metro's. cxf's, can refer here, , examples maven's plugin cxf's wsdl2java. again, every jax-ws implementation has own set of tools, concepts identical when comes underlying mapping/binding tied jaxb.


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