Modularizing and distributing bash script via Homebrew -


i have functions defined in ~/.bashrc i'd turn homebrew package. currently, these functions act custom commands on command line:

# .bashrc function foo() {     # interesting }  # @ terminal $ foo # => interesting thing 


i've created homebrew formula using brew create. current approach follows:

  1. move function definitions separate file, script, within directory, brew-script
  2. make brew-script downloadable tarball, brew-script.tar.gz
  3. have brew formula append text end of ~/.bash_profile include script when terminal session starts


  1. is modifying .bash_profile in brew formula bad practice? (eg. when uninstalling brew uninstall script, brew should somehow remove text appended .bash_profile... parsing .bash_profile doesn't seem fun.)

  2. is there convention established including functions in bash scripts available command line?

  3. is common ask user add text .bash_profile or .bashrc?

desired result

should able install cleanly brew , run foo command:

$ brew install script $ foo # => interesting thing 

(assume brew formula installed locally. i'll worry auditing , pushing formula homebrew later)

refer ,

i have script safely‡ modifies ~/.bash_profile part of homebrew install process.

‡ allegedly


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