c++ - Examples on template metaprogramming over constexpr? -

is there examples out there template metaprogramming better use new constexpr? i've understood, both constexpr , template metaprogramming have similar purposes, yet template metaprogramming not obsolete. there has examples template metaprogramming preferred on constexpr. shared thoughts on highly appreciated, thanks!

constexpr provides true support compile-time computing in form of true c++ functions instead of functional-like template-based constructions (metafunctions). partially answer yes constexpr beats tmp on compile time computing, @ least on syntax no fp initiated people used c++. note i'm ignoring concerns compiler performance etc.

on other hand, tmp still relevant, , way, type computing in c++. there new approaches improve horrible tmp syntax, boost.hana template variables. despite syntax, still functional metalanguage separated "normal" c++.

about type computing

from 2 common tasks may ask c++ compiler (besides compiling), playing type system generating new types on demand depending on requisites constexpr cannot achieve, because that's not constexpr supposed/designed do.

the fun part templates not supposed compile-time computing neither. metaprogramming. designed c++ feature generic programming. know story, middle 90s "whoaaa c++ templates turing complete!", expression templates , blitz++ later, alexandrescu , loki. , have <type_traits> , serious proposal with full fledged metaprogramming library inside.

consider example (not mine, taken eric niebler "challenge"): write utility gives common type between set of types:

namespace m = ranges::meta;  namespace ml = ranges::meta::lazy;   template<typename t, typename u>  using builtin_common_t =      decltype(true? std::declval<t>() : std::declval<u>());  template<typename t, typename u>  using lazy_builtin_common_t =      m::defer<builtin_common_t, t, u>;   template<typename...ts>  struct common_type  {};   template<typename ...ts>  using common_type_t = m::eval<common_type<ts...>>;   template<typename t>  struct common_type<t>    : std::decay<t>  {};   template<typename t, typename u>  struct common_type<t, u>    : m::if_c<          ( std::is_same<decay_t<t>, t>::value &&            std::is_same<decay_t<u>, u>::value ),          ml::let<lazy_builtin_common_t<t, u>>,          common_type<decay_t<t>, decay_t<u>>>  {};   template<typename t, typename u, typename... vs>  struct common_type<t, u, vs...>    : ml::let<ml::fold<m::list<u, vs...>, t, m::quote<common_type_t>>>  {};  

as can see, problem types. constexpr not supposed do.

about challenge, eric asked both louis dionne (boost.hana author) , write common_type<ts...> using our libraries. code above eric's implementation using meta library. sincerely, cannot beat louis's fold + maybe monad solution :)


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