sqlite - Android SQLitedatabase -

this question has answer here:

why have move first item in code below? thought cursor contain 1 row since rowid primary key

    // fetch single reminder @suppresslint("newapi") public cursor fetchreminder(long rowid) throws sqlexception {     cursor mycursor = db.query(true, database_table, new string[] {             key_row_id, key_title, key_body, key_date_time }, key_row_id             + "=" + rowid, null, null, null, null, null, null);     if (mycursor != null) {         mycursor.movetofirst();     }     return mycursor; } 

there 1 cursor class. cannot known how many rows have. query not create different types of cursors querying single row or many. should call:

curcor c = db.query(...); try {     if (c.movetofirst()) { // have 1 result.                             //otherwise iterate                            //(while(c.movetonext()){...}         string value = c.getstring(0);     } } {     c.close(); } 


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