c - Not even my main fuction runs -

i cant print "main" on screen. seems none of code runs. when dont specify command line arguments in prints out warning. input file contains integers on each line.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <sys/types.h>  int patientcount,treatedpatientcount,maxpatient,allregistered; int *list;  file *input,*output;  sem_t semoutputfile,semglobalvars;  void* nurse(); void* doctor(void *);  int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){     printf("main");      if(argc != 3){         printf("command line argument count different expected. aborting!");         return -1;     }      input = fopen(argv[1],"r");     output = fopen(argv[2],"w");      allregistered = 0;     maxpatient = 5;     treatedpatientcount = 0;     patientcount = 0;     list = malloc(sizeof(int)*maxpatient);      pthread_t nurse,doc1,doc2;     sem_init(&semglobalvars, 0, 1);     sem_init(&semoutputfile, 0, 1);      pthread_create(&nurse, null, &nurse, null);     pthread_create(&doc1, null, &doctor, (void*) 1);     pthread_create(&doc2, null, &doctor, (void*) 2);      pthread_exit(null); }  void* nurse(){      char buff[255],*eof;     while(1){         eof = fgets(buff, 255, input);         if (eof == null) {             allregistered = 1;             pthread_exit(null);         }         int k = atoi(buff);          sem_wait(&semglobalvars);//critical region 1 starts         if(patientcount == maxpatient){             maxpatient *=2;             list = realloc(list,sizeof(int)*maxpatient);         }         list[patientcount++] = k;         sem_post(&semglobalvars);//critical region 1 ends          sem_wait(&semoutputfile);//critical region 2 starts         fputs("nurse registered patient!\n",output);         sem_post(&semoutputfile);//critical region 2 ends          sleep(2);     } }  void* doctor(void * id){     printf("doctor");     char buff[255];     int waittime = 0;     while(1){         printf("%d %d %d",allregistered,treatedpatientcount,patientcount);         if(allregistered == 1 && treatedpatientcount==patientcount) pthread_exit(null);         sem_wait(&semglobalvars);//critical region 1 starts         waittime = list[treatedpatientcount++];         sem_post(&semglobalvars);//critical region 1 ends          sprintf (buff, "doctor %d treated patient\n", (int) id);         sem_wait(&semoutputfile);//critical region 2 starts         fputs(buff,output);         sem_post(&semoutputfile);//critical region 2 ends          sleep(waittime);     } } 

you can add exit(0) end of main

what exit(0) flush buffers, (and other things,) making sure buffered (like printf of "main") gets written out.

all c streams (open functions in <cstdio>) closed (and flushed, if buffered), , files created tmpfile removed.



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