javascript - adding textInput values to another text input using js function in Yii 2 -

simply i'm trying add value of text input fields :

my form code :

    <?php         $script = <<< js             $('#amount_value_id').keyup(function(){                 var amountsum=0;                 $('#amount_value_id').each(function(){                     if (this.value != "")                         amountsum+=parseint(this.value);                 });                 // alert('foo');                 $("#totalamount").text(amountsum);                 //console.log(amountsum);              });         js;         $this->registerjs($script);     ?> <?php $form = activeform::begin(["id" => "project-form"]); ?>    <?php foreach ($project $i => $project) { ?>       <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-3" id="amount_value_id">                                     <?= $form->field($project, "[{$i}]amount")->textinput(); ?>                                 </div>                                    <?php } ?>                                      <div class="col-lg-2" id="totalamount">             <?php echo $form->field($model, 'total_amount')->textinput(['maxlength' => 128, 'id' => 'totalamount']) ?>         </div> 

in text input total amount should holds total sum giving nan !! .what i'm doing ??

i tested jsfiddle. when enter numeric value right, when enter text value, gives "nan". it's obvious, because using parseint(). when enter text "test" in input field, code tries convert "text" string integer value , result nan. workaround problem preventing user entering non-numeric value. solution using javascript isnan() function. isnan() checks illegal numbers value.


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