ios - National Rail Enquiries issue with SOAP requests. The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012.) -

i'm trying query national rail enquiries using api found below i'm having issues.

i'm attempting use soapengine64 framework ( simplify process of making requests (using swift) don't seem able results back.

every time run following code error printed out. know i'm going wrong?


2015-03-28 13:46:09.528 rapid rail uk[18994:1032065] error domain=nsurlerrordomain code=-1012 "the operation couldn’t completed. (nsurlerrordomain error -1012.)" userinfo=0x7fd9a9c35e80 {nserrorfailingurlkey=, nserrorfailingurlstringkey=} 

swift code:

    var token = "<com:accesstoken><com:tokenvalue>my_token_key</com:tokenvalue></com:accesstoken>"      var soap = soapengine()      soap.header = token     soap.actionnamespaceslash = true      var args = [         "numrows" : 10,         "crs" : "gtw"     ];      soap.requestwsdl("",         operation: "getdepartureboard",         value: args,         completewithdictionary: { (statuscode : int,             dict : [nsobject : anyobject]!) -> void in              var result:dictionary = dict dictionary             nslog("%@", result)          }) { (error : nserror!) -> void in              nslog("%@", error)     } 

don't use requestwsdl, use requesturl, without wsdl extension, call directly asmx service (, , try set soapaction because wsdl not contains soapaction attributes, needed correct parsing of wsdl definitions.


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