sublimetext3 - Sublime Text cppcheck "no lint errors" -

i installed sublime linter, cppcheck sublime linter , cppcheck binaries. i've set cppcheck other linters (for php , javascript) cppcheck not working. in command line says

sublimelinter: cppcheck activated: extensions\cppcheck\cppcheck.exe 

but linter not working. clicking on "show lint errors" gives

no lint errors 

and i'm sure there errors in code. ideas?

i've met similar problem described. here's advice:

  1. read '.eslintrc' file clearly;
  2. try run 'eslint xxx' in terminal , find out if there hints or errors;
  3. reopen sublimetext , traverse project find out lint warnings ;
  4. click lint warnings found , you'll surprised find lint works.

i guess may caused linter's error.


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