angularjs - moving video forward/backward frame by frame using Videogular API -

is there way seek video frame frame using videogular api? if not, best work around?


came across need myself. here directive created. note hardcoded framerate , i'm showing controls when player paused.

app.directive("vgframebuttons", ["vg_states",     function (vg_states) {         return {             restrict: "e",             require: "^videogular",             template:                 '<button class="iconbutton" ng-click="prevframe()"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i></button>' +                 '<button class="iconbutton" ng-click="nextframe()"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></button>',             link: function (scope, elem, attr, api) {                 var frametime = 1 / 29.97;                  scope.prevframe = function () {                     api.seektime((api.currenttime / 1000) - frametime);                 };                 scope.nextframe = function () {                     api.seektime((api.currenttime / 1000) + frametime);                 };                  scope.$watch(                     function () {                         return api.currentstate;                     },                     function (newval) {                         var display = newval == vg_states.pause ? "table-cell" : "none";                         elem.css("display", display);                     }                 );              }         }     } ]); 


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