c# - Windows Phone 8.1 Application Deployment Error -

i added sql database windows phone 8.1 application , cant deploy app lumia 520 or windows devices, need help! following error:-

error 1 processor architecture of project being built "any cpu" not supported referenced sdk "microsoft.vclibs, version=12.0". please consider changing targeted processor architecture of project (in visual studio can done through configuration manager) 1 of architectures supported sdk: "x86, arm". myproject.windowsphone did try when put arm gives me following error

and when change config arm:-

error 1- there mismatch between processor architecture of project being built "arm" , processor architecture, "x86", of implementation file "c:\users\john\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\thebeat\packages\sqlite-winrt.\lib\wpa81\sqlitewinrt.dll" "c:\users\john\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\thebeat\packages\sqlite-winrt.\lib\wpa81\sqlitewinrt.winmd". mismatch may cause runtime failures. please consider changing targeted processor architecture of project through configuration manager align processor architectures between project , implementation file, or choose winmd file implementation file has processor architecture matches targeted processor architecture of project.myproject.windowsphone

and when config x86

error : dep3311 : unable deploy x86 package windows phone device. change build configuration arm or neutral or change debug target emulator.thebeat.windowsphone

make sure configuration(any cpu, x86, x64, arm) of application , configuration of references same. if not sure how make sure while adding references application in configuration want in.


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