escaping - HTML Character Form -

i have text area / form:

<div><textarea name="subject" rows="3" cols="60" placeholder="please enter subject..." required="true"></textarea></div> 

and if user types text area: su/bject su\bject shown.

is there html way make sure no '\' or other characters apart aa - zz taken form?

thanks in advance

when submitting, can catch result without unwanted chars doing this:

yourtextarea.value = yourtextarea.value.replace( /[^a-za-z]/g , ''); 

or if want strip them right on key press, modify text area this:

<textarea onkeyup="this.value = this.value.replace( /[^a-za-z]/g, '');" name="subject" rows="3" cols="60" placeholder="please enter subject..." required="true"></textarea> 


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