excel - VBA web data not showing entire table -

i trying download table excel sheet loop through next table.the loop working(very slow though) getting top of page up(the top 5 lines dog name trainer name etc) , main table not appear.i cookie message up. suggestion welcome:

option explicit  sub macro1()    sheets("sheet1").select   range("a1").select      dim integer     dim e integer     dim myurl string, shorturl string     sheets("sheet1").select  = 1 while < 3    myurl = "url;http://www.racingpost.com/greyhounds/dog_home.sd?dog_id=" & & ""     activesheet.querytables.add(connection:=myurl,   destination:=range("$a$1"))     .name = shorturl   .fieldnames = true   .rownumbers = false   .filladjacentformulas = false   .preserveformatting = true   .refreshonfileopen = false   .backgroundquery = true   .refreshstyle = xlinsertdeletecells   .savepassword = false   .savedata = true   .adjustcolumnwidth = true   .refreshperiod = 0   .webselectiontype = xlentirepage   .webformatting = xlwebformattingnone   .webpreformattedtexttocolumns = true   .webconsecutivedelimitersasone = true   .websingleblocktextimport = false   .webdisabledaterecognition = false   .webdisableredirections = false   .refresh backgroundquery:=false   .webdisabledaterecognition = false   .webdisableredirections = false   .refresh backgroundquery:=false   end    columns("a:j").select   selection.copy   range("k1").select   selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevalues, operation:=xlnone,   skipblanks _   :=false, transpose:=false   columns("a:j").select   range("j1").activate   application.cutcopymode = false   selection.delete shift:=xltoleft   columns("a:j").select   selection.columnwidth = 20.01   columns("b:b").select   selection.columnwidth = 20.01   rows("1:9").select   selection.insert shift:=xldown, copyorigin:=xlformatfromleftorabove       = + 1   loop  end sub 

the table data loaded via ajax request after initial page load.

if @ page in chrome , open developer tools (f12) -> network tab. see additional request following url: http://www.racingpost.com/greyhounds/dog_form.sd?dog_id=

the method using retrieve data slow. 1 way speed request url's via xmlhttprequest , parse corresponding data need yourself.

here example of xmlhttprequest (note data returned string of source code can parse):

function xmlhttprequest(url string) string     dim xml object     set xml = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")     xml.open "get", url, false     xml.send     xmlhttprequest = xml.responsetext end function 

so requesting data via method this:

response = xmlhttprequest("http://www.somesite.com")

this fastest method know retrieve data website since doesn't involve rendering anything.

then parse given data need things in front or behind data consistent in source. (usually divs specific class names or that). generic parse might this:

loc1 = instr(response,"myclassname") loc1 = instr(loc1, response, ">") + 1 'the exact beginning of data i'd loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")' end of data i'd data = trim(mid(response,loc1,loc2-loc1)) 

finally here methods paste in , running. i'm not sure fields after parsed few each page examples:

option explicit sub gettrackdata()     dim response string     dim doghomeurl string     dim dogformurl string     dim integer     dim x integer     dim dogname string     dim dogdate string     dim trainer string     dim breeding string     dim loc1 long, loc2 long      doghomeurl = "http://www.racingpost.com/greyhounds/dog_home.sd?dog_id="     dogformurl = "http://www.racingpost.com/greyhounds/dog_form.sd?dog_id="     x = 2     = 1 10         response = xmlhttprequest(doghomeurl & i)         debug.print (response)         'parse overall info          'this basic of parsing web page         'just find start of data want instr         'then find end of data instr         'and use mid pull out data want         'rinse , repeat method every line of data we'd         loc1 = instr(response, "popuphead")         loc1 = instr(loc1, response, "<h1>") + 4         loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</h1>")         dogname = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))         'apparantly if dog name blank there data report on web site         if dogname <> ""             'now lets dogdate             loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<li>")             loc1 = instr(loc1, response, "(") + 1             loc2 = instr(loc1, response, ")")             dogdate = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))             'now trainer             loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<strong>trainer</strong>") + 24             loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</li>")             trainer = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))              response = xmlhttprequest(dogformurl & i)             'now need loop through form table , parse out values care             loc1 = instr(response, "full results")             while (loc1 <> 0)                 dim racedate string                 dim racetrack string                 dim dis string                  loc1 = instr(loc1, response, ">") + 1                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</a>")                 racedate = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td>") + 4                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 racetrack = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                  range("a" & x).value = dogname                 range("b" & x).value = dogdate                 range("c" & x).value = trainer                 range("d" & x).value = racedate                 range("e" & x).value = racetrack                  loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "full results")                 x = x + 1             loop             debug.print (response)         end if         'parse form table      next end sub function xmlhttprequest(url string) string     dim xml object     set xml = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")     xml.open "get", url, false     xml.send     xmlhttprequest = xml.responsetext end function 

edit 1

the data interating on erroneous, apparantly first column isn't link. here amended example more fields being parsed. let me know if have questions:

option explicit sub gettrackdata()     dim response string     dim doghomeurl string     dim dogformurl string     dim integer     dim x integer     dim dogname string     dim dogdate string     dim trainer string     dim breeding string     dim loc1 long, loc2 long     dim qt string     qt = """"       doghomeurl = "http://www.racingpost.com/greyhounds/dog_home.sd?dog_id="     dogformurl = "http://www.racingpost.com/greyhounds/dog_form.sd?dog_id="     x = 2     = 1 10         response = xmlhttprequest(doghomeurl & i)         debug.print (response)         'parse overall info          'this basic of parsing web page         'just find start of data want instr         'then find end of data instr         'and use mid pull out data want         'rinse , repeat method every line of data we'd         loc1 = instr(response, "popuphead")         loc1 = instr(loc1, response, "<h1>") + 4         loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</h1>")         dogname = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))         'apparantly if dog name blank there data report on web site         if dogname <> ""             'now lets dogdate             loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<li>")             loc1 = instr(loc1, response, "(") + 1             loc2 = instr(loc1, response, ")")             dogdate = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))             'now trainer             loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<strong>trainer</strong>") + 24             loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</li>")             trainer = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))              response = xmlhttprequest(dogformurl & i)             'now need loop through form table , parse out values care             loc1 = instr(response, "<td class=" & qt & "first" & qt) + 17             while (loc1 > 17)                 dim racedate string                 dim racetrack string                 dim dis string                 dim trp string                 dim splt string                 dim pos string                 dim fin string                 dim string                 dim winsec string                 dim remarks string                 dim time string                 dim going string                 dim price string                 dim grd string                 dim calc string                  loc1 = instr(loc1, response, ">") + 1                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 racedate = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 if instr(racedate, "<a href") > 0 'we have link parse out date link                     dim tem1 long                     dim tem2 long                     tem1 = instr(racedate, ">") + 1                     tem2 = instr(tem1, racedate, "</a>")                     racedate = trim(mid(racedate, tem1, tem2 - tem1))                 end if                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td>") + 4                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 racetrack = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td><span class=") + 16                 loc1 = instr(loc1, response, ">") + 1                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</span>")                 dis = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td class=")                 loc1 = instr(loc1, response, ">") + 1                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 trp = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td>") + 4                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 splt = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td>") + 4                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 pos = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<span class= " & qt & "black" & qt & ">") + 21                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</span>")                 fin = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td>") + 4                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<a href=") + 8                 loc1 = instr(loc1, response, ">") + 1                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</a>")                 winsec = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 '<td><i>                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td><i>") + 7                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</i>")                 remarks = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 '<span class="black">                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<span class=" & qt & "black" & qt & ">") + 21                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</span>")                 time = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 '<td class="center">                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td class=" & qt & "center" & qt & ">") + 19                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 going = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td class=" & qt & "center" & qt & ">") + 19                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 price = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                 loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td class=" & qt & "center" & qt & ">") + 19                 loc2 = instr(loc1, response, "</td>")                 grd = trim(mid(response, loc1, loc2 - loc1))                  range("a" & x).value = dogname                 range("b" & x).value = dogdate                 range("c" & x).value = trainer                 range("d" & x).value = racedate                 range("e" & x).value = racetrack                 range("f" & x).value = dis                 range("g" & x).value = trp                 range("h" & x).value = splt                 range("i" & x).value = pos                 range("j" & x).value = fin                 range("k" & x).value =                 range("l" & x).value = winsec                 range("m" & x).value = remarks                 range("n" & x).value = time                 range("o" & x).value = going                 range("p" & x).value = price                 range("q" & x).value = grd                  loc1 = instr(loc2, response, "<td class=" & qt & "first" & qt) + 17                 x = x + 1             loop             debug.print (response)         end if         'parse form table      next end sub function xmlhttprequest(url string) string     dim xml object     set xml = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")     xml.open "get", url & "&cache_buster=" & generaterandom, false     xml.send     xmlhttprequest = xml.responsetext end function function generaterandom() string     generaterandom = int(rnd * 1000) end function 


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