c# - Update Image source in data template long list selector WP8 -

my problem : in long list selector, when list items loaded , click on edit button activate/inactive items

when active / d-activate top items on scrolling down long list selector some- middle items automatically got selected.

image when activate top elements enter image description here

please suggest me rid of issue:


<phone:phoneapplicationpage     x:class="longlistselector.mainpage"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     xmlns:phone="clr-namespace:microsoft.phone.controls;assembly=microsoft.phone"     xmlns:shell="clr-namespace:microsoft.phone.shell;assembly=microsoft.phone"     xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"     xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"      mc:ignorable="d"     fontfamily="{staticresource phonefontfamilynormal}"     fontsize="{staticresource phonefontsizenormal}"     foreground="{staticresource phoneforegroundbrush}"     supportedorientations="portrait" orientation="portrait"     shell:systemtray.isvisible="true">     <phone:phoneapplicationpage.resources>         <phone:jumplistitembackgroundconverter x:key="backgroundconverter"/>         <phone:jumplistitemforegroundconverter x:key="foregroundconverter"/>           <datatemplate x:key="customheadertemplate">             <stackpanel background="darkkhaki" orientation="horizontal" width="450" >                 <textblock text="{binding name}"                                      fontsize="36"                                      fontfamily="{staticresource phonefontfamilysemilight}"/>             </stackpanel>         </datatemplate>         <datatemplate x:key="customexpandertemplate">             <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">                 <image source="{binding image}" stretch="none"/>              </stackpanel>         </datatemplate>         <datatemplate x:key="customitemtemplate">             <stackpanel background="blueviolet" margin="0,0,0,10" height="55" orientation="horizontal"  width="412">                 <border borderthickness="1" cornerradius="10" background="white" width="280" height="50">                     <textblock text="{binding unitname}" foreground="black" fontweight="bold" />                 </border>                 <stackpanel margin="0,6,15,0">                     <image  height="32" width="32"  source="/assets/images/edit.png"></image>                 </stackpanel>                 <stackpanel margin="0,6,15,0">                     <image  height="32" width="32"   source="/assets/images/trash.png"></image>                 </stackpanel>                 <stackpanel  margin="0,6,15,0">                     <image  height="32" width="32"  source="{binding imagesource}"></image>                 </stackpanel>              </stackpanel>         </datatemplate>         <datatemplate x:key="customnonexpandableheadertemplate">             <stackpanel orientation="vertical">                 <textblock text="{binding name}"                                      fontsize="{staticresource phonefontsizeextralarge}"                                      fontfamily="{staticresource phonefontfamilysemilight}"/>             </stackpanel>         </datatemplate>     </phone:phoneapplicationpage.resources>     <!--layoutroot root grid page content placed-->     <grid x:name="layoutroot" background="transparent">         <grid.rowdefinitions>             <rowdefinition height="auto"/>             <rowdefinition height="*"/>         </grid.rowdefinitions>            <!--titlepanel contains name of application , page title-->         <stackpanel x:name="titlepanel" grid.row="0" margin="12,17,0,28">             <textblock text="my application" style="{staticresource phonetextnormalstyle}" margin="12,0"/>             <textblock text="page name" margin="9,-7,0,0" style="{staticresource phonetexttitle1style}"/>         </stackpanel>              <!--contentpanel - place additional content here-->         <grid x:name="contentpanel" grid.row="1" margin="12,0,12,0">             <phone:longlistselector x:name="grouplistbox" width="auto" background="#d1eefc" borderthickness="1"   isgroupingenabled="false" layoutmode="list" hideemptygroups="true" verticalalignment="stretch" >      <phone:longlistselector.itemtemplate>                     <datatemplate>                          <stackpanel  background="white" horizontalalignment="stretch" verticalalignment="stretch" width="auto" height="auto">                             <grid x:name="subgrid"  width="auto" horizontalalignment="stretch">                                 <grid.columndefinitions>                                     <columndefinition x:name="subgridcol"/>                                     <columndefinition width="80"/>                                 </grid.columndefinitions>                                  <stackpanel grid.column="0" name="subpnl" orientation="horizontal" horizontalalignment="stretch" width="auto" maxheight="200" minheight="100">                                      <textblock textwrapping="wrap"  horizontalalignment="left" height="auto" width="250"  textalignment="left"  foreground="black" fontsize="25"  verticalalignment="center" text="{binding name}"  style="{staticresource phonetextnormalstyle}" fontfamily="{staticresource phonefontfamilysemibold}" />                                 </stackpanel>                                 <stackpanel grid.column="1" horizontalalignment="stretch" verticalalignment="center" background="transparent" >                                     <image source="{binding content}" horizontalalignment="stretch"  verticalalignment="stretch" width="auto" visibility="{binding controlvisibility}" tap="activeinactiveimage_tap_1">                                       </image>                                 </stackpanel>                             </grid>                             <rectangle fill="gray" height="1" horizontalalignment="stretch" width="1000" />                         </stackpanel>                     </datatemplate>                 </phone:longlistselector.itemtemplate>             </phone:longlistselector>          </grid>       </grid>     <phone:phoneapplicationpage.applicationbar>         <shell:applicationbar mode="default"  opacity="1.0" ismenuenabled="true" isvisible="true">              <shell:applicationbariconbutton click="applicationbariconbutton_click_1" iconuri="/assets/appbar/edit.png" text="edit"/>           </shell:applicationbar>     </phone:phoneapplicationpage.applicationbar> </phone:phoneapplicationpage> 


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.net; using system.windows; using system.windows.controls; using system.windows.navigation; using microsoft.phone.controls; using microsoft.phone.shell; using longlistselector.resources; using system.windows.media.imaging; using system.collections.objectmodel;   namespace longlistselector {     public partial class mainpage : phoneapplicationpage     {         // constructor         list<groupclass> list = new list<groupclass>();         observablecollection<groupclass> datalist = null;         static bool iseditable = false;         public mainpage()         {             initializecomponent();              // sample code localize applicationbar             //buildlocalizedapplicationbar();              list.add(new groupclass() { name = "temp", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 1 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "temp1", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 2 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "temp2", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 3 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "temp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 4 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "aemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 5 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "aemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 6 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "aemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 7 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "bemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 8 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "bemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 9 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "bemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 10 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "cemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 11 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "cemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 12 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "cemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 13 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "demp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 14 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "demp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 15 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "demp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 16 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "eemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 17 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "eemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 18 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "eemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 19 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "eemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 20 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "femp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 21 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "femp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 22 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "gemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 23 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "gemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 24 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "hemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 25 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "hemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 26 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "jemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 27 });             list.add(new groupclass() { name = "jemp3", isactive = false, iscustom = false, iseditable = false, unitgroupid = 28 });              datalist = new observablecollection<groupclass>(list);             this.grouplistbox.itemssource = datalist;          }          private void activeinactiveimage_tap_1(object sender, system.windows.input.gestureeventargs e)         {              image imgobj = sender image;             groupclass gcobj = (groupclass)imgobj.datacontext;             if (gcobj != null)             {                 gcobj.isactive = !gcobj.isactive;                  imgobj.datacontext = gcobj;                   datalist.firstordefault(x => x.unitgroupid == gcobj.unitgroupid).isactive = gcobj.isactive;                  imgobj.source = new bitmapimage(new uri(gcobj.isactive ? "/assets/images/active.png" : "/assets/images/inactive.png", urikind.relative));                }              grouplistbox.itemssource = datalist;         }          private void applicationbariconbutton_click_1(object sender, eventargs e)         {             iseditable = !iseditable;             foreach (var obj in datalist)             {                 obj.iseditable = iseditable; obj.ischecked = false;              }             this.grouplistbox.itemssource = null;             this.grouplistbox.itemssource = datalist;          }     } } 


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.windows;  namespace longlistselector {     class groupclass      {          public string imagesource         {             get;             set;         }         public string content         {             { return isactive ? "/assets/images/active.png" : "/assets/images/inactive.png"; }          }         public string name         {             get;             set;         }         public long unitgroupid         {             get;             set;         }         public bool isactive         {             get;              set;          }          public bool iscustom         {             get;             set;         }         public bool ischecked         {             get;             set;         }         public bool iseditable         {                        ;             set;          }          public visibility controlvisibility         {             { return iseditable? visibility.visible : visibility.collapsed; }         }         } } 

finally after struggling 2 day, solve issue , fix it.

replace groupclass.cs code:


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.windows;  namespace longlistselector {     class groupclass : inotifypropertychanged     {           public string imagesource         {             get;             set;         }          public string content         {             get;             set;         }         public string name         {             get;             set;         }         public long unitgroupid         {             get;             set;         }         private bool isactive;         public bool isactive         {             { return isactive; }             set             {                 isactive = value;                 content = isactive ? "/assets/images/active.png" : "/assets/images/inactive.png";                 onpropertychanged("isactive");                 onpropertychanged("content");              }          }          public bool iscustom         {             get;             set;         }         public bool ischecked         {             get;             set;         }         private bool iseditable;         public bool iseditable         {             { return iseditable; }             set             {                 if (value != iseditable)                 {                     iseditable = value;                      onpropertychanged("iseditable");                     controlvisibility = iseditable ? visibility.visible : visibility.collapsed;                     onpropertychanged("controlvisibility");                 }             }          }         public visibility iscustomcontrolvisibility         {             { return iseditable & iscustom ? visibility.visible : visibility.collapsed; }         }         public visibility controlvisibility         {             get;             set;         }          public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;          protected void onpropertychanged(string propertyname)         {             propertychangedeventhandler handler = this.propertychanged;             if (handler != null)             {                 handler(this, new propertychangedeventargs(propertyname));             }         }     } } 

we need call inotifypropertychanged @ couple of more places in code.


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