javascript - "TypeError: t.start is undefined", in fullcalendar.min.js while using on my website for google calender functionality -

i getting below error while using fullcalender on website...

"typeerror: t.start undefined", in fullcalendar.min.js while using on website google calender functionality

typeerror: t.start undefined     ... == t.allday && (t.allday = !(t.start.hastime() || t.end && t.end.hastime())), t...       fullcal....min.js (line 713, col 44) 

my fullcalender js code is

$('#calendar').fullcalendar({             header: {                 left: 'prev,next,today',                 center: 'title',                 right: 'month,basicweek,basicday'             },             googlecalendarapikey: 'aizasya6cw8v_mpsgbqzta66cw0yvckug8le2uo',             events: [                 {                     googlecalendarid: ''                 },             ],         });     }); 

could tell me should fix typeerror?

i using gcal.html library file of fullcalendar-2.3.1, downloaded

i have included moment.min.js, jquery.min.js, fullcalendar.min.js, gcal.js

in website header have used other js libraries also... how resolve issue if coming because of other library... please me friends...

i had same problem, except use database import information. indeed problem in case come format of dates, , able correct using these methods:

  • date_create (): create date field of database
    example: $start = date_create($row->start_date)
  • date_format(): convert date datetime
    example: date_format ($start, 'y-m-d h:i:s')

i hope it'll solve problem


  1. @admin

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