shell - vi over netcat session -

is possible use vi on netcat?


mkfifo tun; sh tun | netcat -l 4444 > tun 


netcat server_ip 4444 

will gave me remote shell, it's problem send special hot-keys, example can't push esc enter "normal mode" in vi.

or best choice sed ?

this command runs input nc script, , fail same reason why script won't edit file:

#!/bin/sh vi file 42g dd :wq 

you can instead, ironically, use script avoid running script, , instead terminal session interact with:

server$ mkfifo tun; script -q < tun | netcat -l 4444 > tun 

(some netcats require -p before port above)

additionally, should disable local echo , line buffering keys pass through connection rather when pressing enter:

client$ stty -icanon -echo; nc localhost 4444 

you should able edit files in vi.

this neat proof of concept only. non-root users want provide robust shell access on network should use sshd.


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