sql - Is it possible to use 'case' with and in 'count'? -

is possible use case , in count

 select branches.name agence,         count(         case loanstatus                when '1'                ,    datepart(month,loanaccount.issuedate)= 2 1                else null         end )as nombre_de_credits_demande ,         count(         case loanstatus                when '2' datepart(month,loanaccount.chargeoffdate)= 2 1                else null         end )as nombre_de_credits_approuve 

please me

you can use count(). prefer sum():

select branches.name agence,        sum(case when loanstatus = '1' ,                      datepart(month, loanaccount.issuedate) = 2                 1 else 0            end ) nombre_de_crédits_demandé ,        sum(case when loanstatus = '2' ,                      datepart(month, loanaccount.issuedate) = 2                 1 else 0            end ) nombre_de_crédits_approuvé 

the issue code not count() versus sum() mixing of 2 different case syntaxes. when use case <var> when <val>, cannot include other conditions. use when full conditions want.

and, if like, can use count() instead of sum().

and, conciseness, prefer month() function:

select branches.name agence,        sum(case when loanstatus = '1' , month(loanaccount.issuedate) = 2                 1 else 0            end ) nombre_de_crédits_demandé ,        sum(case when loanstatus = '2' , month(loanaccount.issuedate) = 2                 1 else 0            end ) nombre_de_crédits_approuvé 


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